Friday, September 23, 2005


Wind, rain, and lightning are moving in to the area. We had gone outside to take pictures of the sky and how the wind had picked up. The sky had a really nice color to was like a orange/yellow color. We also saw from a distance from what it looked like there were transformers blowing up and putting up a light show of different colors. Here are some pics that we took....


Fuertes vientos, lluvia, y rayos ya estan moviendose en la area donde estamos. Fuimos afuera para tomor unas fotos de afuera y de el cielo. Tenia un color anaranjado con amarillo...super chivo! En la distancia vimos como si fueron unos transformadores explorar por el furte viento. Aca no veremos eso gracias a Dios por q todo lo de electricidad esta bajo de la tiera. Aqui estan unas fotos .....


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