Friday, July 01, 2005

What a day at the beach....

A day at the beach with my nephews and sister started of really nice….with the sun out and Kai and Ale playing in the water and me getting some rays. There were a few people around us telling us that there were sting rays in the water and to be careful, and so we did. I watch one of the guys catch one and there were hundreds of them in the water do to the seaweed. But that wasn’t the end. I had left my keys on the bumper of my sisters car and I started to build a sand castle when I noticed she was gone… a split second later it hit me that my keys were gone! I scanned a stretch of nearly 2 miles on the sand looking for the keys. Then my sister took me to the road and place where she had taken my Kai to use the restroom, and still no keys. Until on the way back I spotted them in the middle of the road. Even though they had been ran over all I wanted was the key, I wasn’t worried about the alarm pad, just the keys. So I was glad I found it. On the way back I got saved again and I know someone was watching me also…. I had flew by a 35mph speed zone going 52mph and my sister was behind me but had caught the stop light and so I had to pull in to a car wash and just wait for her when I see the cop pulling up in front of me. He told me that I was going to get a speeding ticket and because it was a 35 zone and he got me going 52. But the catch that saved me was that I pulled in to the car wash and stopped, so he told me to just be careful and drive safe….boy I’m glad I didn’t get a ticket….plus I never saw a 35 mph sign but I guess I’ll pay more attention next time….


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